Part Three
the culture (Part Two, at the end) is (vague suggested framed) empty
the empty is rancid...
the rancid is the precious
defines the culture...
is the old New England home?
the beach?
is what it is:
flips and your flops. Baby
sitted. Needy. As chairperson of your board of
committee to decide the ‘could be I think I like’ as postulation lending to
position and leading to an action that has no substance, heritage or foundation
of anything at all in your new old New England home: You are the dust buster sucking the dusts of soul out of the
last cushion corners of the old New England home’s new “sofa”. You have achieved ‘good riddance’. Vanquish the rancid residue of the last
of old New England and its homes.
Close them up and comeback
carpenters are redoing the WALLS this WINTER”. The carpenters sold me the “TRASH” in the “ATTIC” you “THROW
are no fools. Fiendishly empty
they made sure of your house. Not
home; an empty house. “We may want
to retire here but we don’t know yet”.
I like that: Appropriately
vague. A little roughshod. But a declaration. None the less.
are not in New England and you do not have an old New England home. You do not have antiques... for
yourself or for your house. What
you have are not antiques. I told
you before (Part One). They are “I
I first discovered for myself that old New England homes “were” and “stood”
and... well... one such as I could walk by them on the street’s sidewalk and
peek at them. I thought.
did not feel... although all this was feeling. I did think... I think; an “I think”? No... not quite. I did not say “I like”. It was, the homes to me, “vague”. And I knew they were rancid. I knew that because I lived in one; an old
New England home... and it was rancid.
Generations of rancid. I
grew up in that filth. I learned
to walk by those homes of filth. I
learned to peek at them. Every day
was a Halloween and every night was Witches. In old New England homes. But that was buried in the filth.
I grew up in no one ever mentioned “painting the (interior) walls” ever. That was just never done; painting
walls or mentioning doing that.
Once every one hundred years... and mostly so old that it was
“wallpaper” anyway. Old...
brown... filthy... water stained, peeling... “wall paper” with the “trim” “last
painted”... during World War One.
Actually... before... World War One. The wall paper and painted trim were “always that way”. And one couldn’t tell this or care because
the rooms were “full”. Anyway.
rooms were ‘full of antiques’. I
know now. All kinds of old and...
very old... and even ‘very old older’... rancid... filth. The chair that my great grandmother
died in was ‘still there exactly the same’... as like... “from the Civil War”
the same. The cat sat in it. Sort of. If I sat in it I was told to “stop rocking”. That spoke... I moved on. Every thing was piled up in corners and
there was plenty of it: Old rancid
filth. No one ever said they ‘like
it’ and they were not even ‘vague’ about the antiques either. It was rancid. And filth. That was “there” and that was
that... was culture: That was the
culture of the old New England home.
NOT the “a new kitchen”.
NOT the “paint the walls”.
NOT... the “sanding the floors”.
It was dense ‘put away’ rancid filth “everywhere in there” culture. When I went to the tool bench in the
shed off of the summer kitchen, I easily found my great-grandfather’s crooked
knife set there as he had ‘always did’.
I used it (for a task at hand) and put it back. It, therefore, was always there. The ...CULTURE... of that crooked was
always there TOO. It’s history,
heritage, design, social standing, purpose, place and ...memories... were
there: Its CULTURE. That formula was understood as an
‘applied’ to everything; all the ‘filth’ and ‘rancid’ “in there”; the ‘this old
New England home. No one had
‘cleaned it out’.
quickly learned to do that; clean out old New England homes. There was just that: “So much stuff”. “In there”. Each of them.
Old New England Homes. And
there were lots of them too; the ‘homes’.
So I did that and having actually “LIVED IN” one “TOO” helped me to
naturally understand all the rancid filth: Understand the... culture. And that made me even better “AT IT”. And I still am.... “damn good” “at it”. I would take a crooked knife off of a tool bench where it
“WAS” and take it outside and put it in my truck cab; take that tool away
‘forever’... in my work of ‘clean it out’ (the old New England home) to...
well... get that old home ready to be a “NEW” “HOUSE”. For you to “I LIKE”... and vague...
I know what I was doing?
already said: “Every day was a
Halloween and every night was Witches.
In old New England homes.
But that was buried in the filth.” (from above). I knew that when I noticed the crooked
knife...; before I ever even touched it.
I destroyed the rancid filth of old New England home culture... with
devastating precision. I had
great, great, great-grandfather’s father’s Colonial New England chair “outside”
and “in the truck” before and without an any “YOU”... “knowing it”. And I never said a word either. Old New England culture... lock, stock
and barrel.
does that mean? What. Does. That.
Mean. It means “assemblage”
and that... in this context; the old New England home and its culture, means
that this “THAT” is an assemblage... and that... I know that.
Lock: The mechanism that ‘fires’ the old gun;
an “old musket”. The lock is fitted
into the wood on the side of the gun.
It is often ‘signed’ with the mark of the ‘lock maker’. A lock maker, most probably English
(“London”), made gun locks and sold them preferably in bulk to ‘traders’... who
traded them in smaller lots to smaller traders who... traded them to...
Stock: The wooden rifle stocks were hand
carved from local cured hard wood (maple, walnut) to receive (“mounted”) the
lock and ‘support’ a ‘the barrel’.
These stocks were made one at a time by hand often by ‘smaller traders’
or ...even... actual ‘stock makers’ who ‘supplied’ them to ‘local (smaller)
traders’. Or a just... ‘made one
at a time’.
Barrel: Gun barrels were made by gun barrel
makers, preferably in “London” with these barrels usually maker marked, sort
of. They were sold in bulk,
shipped to and then purchased by the... trader who assembled the “lock, stock
and barrel” into a “trade rifle” who put his assembled rifles in a wagon and...
traveled farm to farm endeavoring to “trade” his assembled rifles with small
farmers for ...pretty much anything that could get a deal done... One “gun”, one swap, one trade... of an
‘assembled’ trade rifle. This
assembled fabrication ‘went into the (old New England) home and never came out.
I “cleaned it (these homes) out”.
That is how I know that it is ‘not there’ anymore: I cleaned it out.
home was full of rancid filth that I cleaned out. Once so fundamentally disturbed there was no “going back” or
“fixing that”. No. The walls were painted. The floors
sanded. And new things “I like”
‘put in there’. The once old New
England home that is now only a new New England house became a “closed up for
the winter”, etc.
“etc.” is the bricks and mortar of the phrasing “This
essay is about antiques and the roughshod directives of discerning them. It is about old New England antiques
and the effect of roughshod lines in the sand with protruding nail heads that
have gained traction to...
destroy them (old New England antiques).”
(From Part One). Do you see
(understand) that a ‘something’ has been destroyed? That this ‘destroyed’ is not a “I fix” by “I like”? Roughshod riding over (“trample”) old
New England home antiques... has created an “I like” that is not what the old
New England home... and their assemblage of antiques... actually ever were...
or are... or may be “restored” to be.
The broken and trampled old New England home’s antiques may not be put
back together again...:
may it?
there a severe discipline with a support body of solid information that allows
a lifetime ‘study’ of the actual assemblage of ‘the antiques’ in an old New
England home... and that this may too be ‘collected’ “at an affordable
prince”... too?
They form a procession to Starbucks from their Replica Old New England Homes.