Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Using the Antique Garden Basket Properly For the Late Fall Harvests.

Using the Antique Garden Basket Properly For the Late Fall Harvests.

Properly using the (your)
Antique antebellum (pre 1860) handmade
Old New England ash splint wood
Garden basket
For the (your)
Late fall vegetable garden harvests.

This is a pleasant undertaking.
Take the old basket(s) from the 
(Old) (garden) shed(s).
Harvest a prescribed crop or
Engage in gleaning
On a mid November morning when one is
Attending to other putterings about the (your) garden

The sun need not be out.
A flake of snow may be in the air.

An example of a seasonal Fall crop harvest is,
Of course,
The Brussel Sprouts; a last ‘row’ at waiting.
The fall frosts have cleaned up the Sprout’s neighborhood
At their garden plot.
“They aren’t any good until AFTER the FROST.”
Is their time honored harvest instruction.
We pick ours and head straight to the cast iron skillet with them
(The tiny ones especially)
They are ‘fried’ with three diced strips of the local bacon.
A ‘very simple’ of the mid fall season.
And only a short outing for the
Antique splint wood old New England garden basket.

By far more fun
For the old basket
Is when I take it gleaning
When I have ‘work along’ in a
Garden plot here and there.
Come with me my senior friend and have some
Bright crisp fall air
Upon your wooden weave.

Today I turn over (by hand with shovel) a tomato plot
In effort to expose the Tomato Caterpillar’s (Hornworm) winter roust
(Buried Cocoon)
So they may freeze to death.

Along the plot’s edge I turn up with my shovel lost onions that we grow
As a border edge.  The onion border was long ago harvested.  These are the hidden few escaping notice during harvest;
A gleaning.

My antique garden basket creeps along the plot’s edge with my shovel.
I toss the find into it’s
Demanding trove keep.
A little dirt.  A little dry
A crinkled skin.
A sprouting top.

Each brushes time aside for it;
(The old New England splint wood garden basket).
The basket lives its life again as it follows the shovel
Along the plot.
Is not that a pleasant
Way to be;
To properly use the (your) old New England splint wood
Garden basket?

1 comment:

  1. Today it's a five gallon plastic bucket with holes drilled in the bottom.
