Monday, July 7, 2014

Trimming Grass and Weeds Around Old New England Property (Antique) Granite Landscape Fixtures - Part Eleven - "Actual Object Violation"

Trimming Grass and Weeds Around
Old New England Property
(Antique) Granite Landscape Fixtures

Part Eleven

"Actual Object Violation"

            The escapades of fraud, negligence, intellectually phony presentation, bad taste, bad art and... site violation... carrying on to... actual object violation... and destruction... does not leave me in a self-sense world of ‘hidden away’ and ‘undisturbed.  It (the escapades) seem to follow a sirens call... sung by and from... my self-sense world (of old New England property [antique] granite landscape fixtures) that... surely wrecks the sung-song follower... on their... very own ...decorative landscape fixture ROCKS... before me...
            ‘Ever after’
            “For (my) eternity”.
            The words ‘stone’ ‘wall’, I suggest, quicken one’s notice of ‘that’ (the escapades).  Again I say that... true... I am headed that way but we
            Are not there yet.
            No.  And I continue by... grabbing another iconic horrible... as if there can be an ‘iconic horrible’ left to grab.  Yes there is and yes I must.

            The title of this ‘old New England property [antique] granite landscape fixture’ is
            “Well Cap”
            Or just ‘well cap’.
            I have mentioned this... distinguished... true New England... ‘old rock’ several times but now define it and the reader’s appreciation FOR it... and... that reader’s be too... saved from its... siren’s sung-song wreck. 
A well cap stone is a thin (six to eight [‘five to seven’] inches thick) large flat... cut granite stone, usually between four and five feet wide by five to six feet long... with an ‘in dead center’ twelve to sixteen inch circular hole pierced through it... by hand.  The notion of function is that the ‘cap stone’ sits on top of the... hand dug field stone wall lined well of drinking water for a ...colonial New England home (but continuing as a form in New England stone... into the 20th century... because they... ‘worked so well’ [ha, ha; well.  Get it?] at ‘capping the well’ and many of those (drinking water wells) are... in New England... STILL BEING USED.

            My ...colonial property’s well... with its cap stone... IS STILL BEING USED.
            “Water” “fresh water”, “drinking water” and “WELLS”; these words alone should clearly be understood to direct the ‘know of’ a well... TO THE ‘hidden’ and ‘undisturbed’ directive of... “old New England property [antique] granite landscape fixtures”.  BUT...
These days... it is not fair play on ‘drinking water’ ‘wells’ in the NEW ‘congested’ New England....
            Right?  But this is not a chapter (blog post) about drinking water from wells in ‘old New England’.  It’s just about the ‘cap stone’ on TOP of the well... full of... drinking water.
            I’ll leave ‘water’ with “Drinking water:  You do that?”.  And stand on the... well cap stone.

            That is what this chapter (blog post) is about and WHY there is a ‘well cap stone’ too:  TO STAND ON IT when... one is... getting (drinking) water from the well.  This is very important to understand if one is seeking a real old New England property [antique] granite landscape fixture well cap stone.  This is what a well cap stone did and... for many, still does.  It (the cap stone) covers the well site area with a ROCK to stand on so one may not... ‘get wet’, ‘get muddy’, ‘muck up the area’, muddy the well, dirty the well water, make a mess of any sort ‘there’ and... generally... create a clean, dry, safe, pure, solid and NEVER CHANGING ‘well cap’ where one “GETS” the “WELL WATER” through the “HOLE IN THE CENTER”.  This last is... in its simplest “Jack and Jill” sense... accomplished by ...dipping a bucket through the hole at the center of the well cap and into the water.  Beyond... and it is a great beyond... the well cap... ANY and ALL SORTS of... ‘getting water from the well’ takes place... AROUND... and ...NOT ON... the well cap.  WHOLE LITTLE ‘well houses’ with ‘ANTIQUE’ hand water pumps and raised wooden floors and... bucket benches and chairs and tin cups and ladles and smiling giddy children splashing each other on hot summer days in the... cool wet world of the well... go on... without ever needing, noting, disturbing and ruining the ...big solid flat granite well cap... stone they are ‘built’ “AROUND”.

            It; the well cap stone... is the foundation of all Jack and Jill... well water adventure.  Therefore I now observe... in direct link to the above notice ‘This is very important to understand if one is seeking a real old New England property [antique] granite landscape fixture well cap stone’... that... at the well cap hole, at the top edge of the well cap hole and all around the well cap hole ... the surface of the colonial New England granite well cap stone will be... wonderfully... ‘worn smooth’ from ...a quarter millennium of ‘standing on’ ‘getting water’.  This is not a picture book ‘show you’.  It is not “THINK”.  IT IS... FEEL... it...:  FEEL IT... with your hand that a quarter of a millennium of feet have stood there... ‘drawing water’.  And, obviously, the further out to the outer edge of a ‘cap stone’ the less wear there is while right at the rim edge of the top of the hole...; ‘smooth as silk’.

            Accept no imitation.
            It, too, cannot be ‘faked’.
            THEY DO TRY to... yeah... ‘grind’ ‘in’ ‘fake wear’.
            “SEE”:  The little world that has a frog or two living in the runoff well water in the little water filled dip just off the well cap may be very suddenly and violently destroyed by a man and his rig (see Tim in Part Nine ) ‘planking’ the area ‘to the cap’ and then driving his ‘rig’ in as close as possible without having the well’s ‘wall’ ‘cave’ and ‘hooking through’ the ‘cap hole’ to the ‘short edge’ to (very carefully without scratching to preserve very consciously “DOLLAR VALUE”...) ‘tie off’ then ‘yank’ the ‘cap stone’ ‘free’, up, up higher and (backing out “beep, beep, beep... beep”) “AWAY”.
            Yeah they lean them up outside against the ...coastal route... “STORE” with the top forward and the hole in the center and ah...
            “YOU” drive by while driving by and... “YEAH I WANT ONE OF THOSE”.  So “YOU” buy it and “THEY” “deliver it” “TOO” and “NO PROBLEM”... dig a little hole with their little ‘rig’ and “plop it” in that hole with about two thirds of the “UP” to “SHOW THE HOLE”.
            “SHOW THE HOLE”.  OK?  Whose the hole?  Huh?
            It’s, like, a Zen expression that an idiot lives here?  “BOTH GONE” is the empty beside the front door, garden gate, driveway head of special
            Empty circular emptiness “I”...

            There are not enough ‘old New England property (antique) granite well cap stones to ...fill the demand... so...
            ANYTHING WITH A HOLE... in it that is “ROCK” (“STONE”)... is out there leaning against the building TOO “FOR SALE”.
            AND “WE CAN HAVE ONE MADE (a large flat rock with a hole in the middle) IF YOU WANT”.
            AND... “I DON’T KNOW EXACTLY (where it came from) LIKE... INDIA... maybe MEXICO”... ‘imports’ TOO... so...
            Just go ahead and partially bury ‘upright’ a big flat rock with a hole in it on ‘the property’ to show what an
            “Lives here”.

            Obviously old New England property management offers only the option of ‘hidden’ to protect ‘undisturbed’.  I just never say the words ‘well’, ‘well water’ together with ‘ours’ ‘we have’ and
            “Would you like to see it?”
            Most passing through “don’t even know that could”  GOOD.  Well cap stone?

            I do not ever mention ANY fresh water ‘on property’ to ANYONE.  The principal users seem to ‘find it themselves’ (see frogs above).  The ‘capped’ well; the oldest colonial well on the property... with only ‘the spring’ being a ‘finished’ water source before it... is purposely ‘fenced’ with an ...apparently untended and heavily overgrown “OLD” wooden “FENCE” with an... old overgrown crab apple tree ‘below’ it with THAT tree helpfully having grown a large branch down ‘into’ the fenced area surrounding the obscured BY WEEDS (“THEY’RE NOT WEEDS”) cap stone that has a very, very, very old OAK (cut from the forest of the surrounding land) square rotting ‘cover’ over “THE HOLE” so that.... even if one bushwhacked one’s way ‘into’ “IT” (the well) one would be under attack by the crab apple branch above “THE HOLE” while one tried to ...
            Do what?
            “That’s right:  Go away.”

            I am not sorry to be this way for ...I don’t need it and the WELL DOESN’T NEED IT (a visitor) either.  And everything is JUST FINE DOWN HERE.  I get (hand dip) two buckets of ...old New England property... well water... up through the old New England property well cap hole and... walk over to the edge of the old New England property’s FOREST... past the old New England property’s STONE WALL and sit on a moss covered old New England sit-on-rock (Part Eight) and
            DUMP each bucket of the well water over my self as I sit there and...
            “Clean up’s a snap”.

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